The CARS workshop is focussing on architecture, methods and development techniques for safety-related automotive embedded systems and applications


Following two successful CARS venues, CARS@EDCC2010 and CARS@SAFECOMP2013, the third edition of CARS is colocated with EDCC 2015, Paris, France.


The increasing complexity of automotive applications, the challenges posed by autonomous vehicles, the need to master production costs using off-the-shelf components, the coexistence of critical and non-critical applications, and the emergence of new architectural paradigms have a strong effect on dependability of automotive embedded systems. This situation requires design and validation methods, but also tools to improve automotive systems robustness and their safety and security properties. The fast evolution of standards such as AUTOSAR and ISO26262 is a reality to incorporate novel features, more flexibility while improving robustness, security and safety.


The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the construction of critical automotive applications and systems. It will place the emphasis on 

dependability issues, software engineering for robustness, security and safety issues, real-time embedded systems technologies, architectural software and hardware solutions, development processes for dependable automotive embedded systems.


CARS is a forum for on-going work exchange.


In particular, CARS aims at promoting and fostering discussion on novel ideas and techniques, possibly controversial approaches, a place where researchers and developers can share both real problems and innovative solutions.


Topics of interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to):

  1.  Safety in the development processes and safety management.

  2.  Combined approaches for safety and security

  3.  Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)

  4.  Autonomous systems, Car-to-X, ADAS and safety

  5.  Hardware and software support for dependable automotive systems.

  6.  Middleware and tool support for dependable embedded automotive systems.

  7.  Open source approaches and integration of SEooC (Safety Elements out of Context).

  8.  Real-time operating systems, WCET estimation, schedulability analysis.

  9.  Modeling and code generation techniques.

  10.  Software safety analysis and formal verification techniques for automotive systems.

  11.  Coordination, communication, networking and distributed control architectures.

  12.  Diagnosis approaches, failure data, practical experience reports of critical applications.

  13.  Validation according to ISO 26262.