Derniers dépôts
Marion Dosantos, Elisabeth A. Hillard, Jinkai Yuan, Phillippe Poulin, Cécile Zakri. Synthesis of piezoelectric pseudo-perovskite particles and their integration into polymer composites. 2èmes Journées annuelles du GdR REEPOS (RElations structures / propriétés Électriques dans les POlymères & compositeS) & Congrès MATELEC, CNRS; INSA; GdR REEPOS, Jun 2024, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-04795985⟩
Ioanna Christodoulou, Gilles Patriarche, Christian Serre, Cédric Boissiére, Ruxandra Gref, et al.. Advanced Characterization Methodology to Unravel the Biodegradability of Metal–Organic Framework Nanoparticles in Extremely Diluted Conditions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16 (11), pp.14296 - 14307. ⟨10.1021/acsami.3c18958⟩. ⟨hal-04792399⟩