Overview of recent advances in stability of linear systems with time-varying delays
This paper provides an overview and in-depth analysis of rec
ent advances in stability of linear systems with time-varyi
delays. First, recent developments of a delay convex analys
is approach, a reciprocally convex approach and the constru
ction of
Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals are reviewed insightful
ly. Second, in-depth analysis of the Bessel-Legendre inequ
ality and some
affine integral inequalities is made, and recent stability r
esults are also summarized, including stability criteria f
or three cases of a
time-varying delay, where information on the bounds of the t
ime-varying delay and its derivative is totally known, part
ly known and
completely unknown, respectively. Third, a number of stabi
lity criteria are developed for the above three cases of the t
delay by employing canonical Bessel-Legendre inequalitie
s, together with augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functiona
ls. It is shown
through numerical examples that these stability criteria o
utperform some existing results. Finally, several challen
ging issues are
pointed out to direct the near future research.