A Sensitivity-Aware Motion Planner (SAMP) to Generate Intrinsically-Robust Trajectories
Closed-loop state sensitivity [1], [2] is a recently introduced notion that can be used to quantify deviations of the closed-loop trajectory of a robot/controller pair against variations of uncertain parameters in the robot model. While local optimization techniques are used to generate reference trajectories minimizing a sensitivity-based cost, no global planning algorithm considering this metric to compute collision-free motions robust to parametric uncertainties has yet been proposed. The contribution of this paper is to propose a global control-aware motion planner for optimizing a state sensitivity metric and producing collision-free reference motions that are robust against parametric uncertainties for a large class of complex dynamical systems. Given the prohibitively high computational cost of directly minimizing the state sensitivity using asymptotically optimal sampling-based tree planners, the proposed RRT*-based SAMP planner uses an appropriate steering method to first compute a (near) time-optimal and kinodynamically feasible trajectory that is then locally deformed to improve robustness and decrease its sensitivity to uncertainties. The evaluation performed on planar/full-3D quadrotor UAV models shows that the SAMP method produces low sensitivity robust solutions with a much higher performance than a planner directly optimizing the sensitivity.
Robotics [cs.RO]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |